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Community Outreach

    The RoboBees have a few upcoming Community Outreach events! Stop by and say hello!

    STEM Festival and Expo: November 14

    At the Dr. James A. Forrest career and technology Center 9:00 to 4:00. Help promote STEM education through robotics!

    McKay’s Bake sale: November 21

    Bake sale at McKay’s (23860 Hollywood Rd, Hollywood, MD 20636) starts at 11:00 am. We will be raising money to start a scholarship for kids on free and reduced lunches to go to summer camps by selling baked goods. If you have not already contacted Cameron, table spots are full but feel free to contribute by bringing food you’ve baked. Wear your team shirts!

    Mike’s Turkeys: December 14

    Mikes food bank at the Mount Zion Church (St Inigoes, MD 20684) at 4:30 pm. We will be helping distribute turkeys, putting together baskets, and loading cars.

    Green Holly Elementary: December 16

    Help out with kids in making gak and rockets from 4:00 to 5:15 at Green Holly Elementary.

    Food drive – Giant: December 19

    Food Drive at Giant (45101 First Colony Blvd, California, MD 20619) 9:00 to 5:00. We will be holding up signs and collecting food from shoppers.